Sunday, June 3, 2012

Off Crutches!

I went to the orthopedist on Friday for a four-week checkup.  I've been using the crutches 90% of the time and my leg doesn't hurt when I walk on it... most of the time.  Based on my x-rays (which I now have in my possession!) and my physical exam, I'm cleared to get off the crutches unless the pain gets too high.

This makes me happy as hobbling around on crutches is annoying.  My arms are definitely more toned but I dislike not being able to open doors, carry things, etc.  The stinking things are in the backseat of my car, just in case.  To avoid having to use them again, I've been stopping whatever I'm doing and resting any time my leg starts to consistently ache. It seems to work.

On the swimming frontier, I swam a mile today! I definitely need to work on sticking to a routine with the swimming since it takes more motivation to drive to the rec, change, and swim than it does to change at work and go running before coming home.  I also need to work on my flip turns.  Mid-turn, I wound up with what felt like a pint of water in my sinuses.  25 yards later, my head felt like it was melting from the inside out. I've forgotten how much chlorine burns your mucous membranes!

Only two more months until I can start running again! Then Warrior Dash & Color Run! :)

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