Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Vacation Blues

I should probably do a better job at posting here regularly.  But I think about it and get distracted by shiny things! The most recent shiny thing being my family's mini-vacation this past weekend.

We went to Seaside, FL.  This is the town where they filmed The Truman Show and it looks almost identical to the movie! I enjoyed the trip, a lot, but it rained both days we were there.  So as a result of beach vacationing, I've learned the following two things:

  • Even though your leg doesn't hurt at the moment, a 500 yard dash in the rain will make it hurt for a few days.
  • The beach is awesome, and the sand feels great, but prolonged walking hurts a lot in the short-term and aches in the slightly-longer term.

My leg aches today, probably about a four/five but I'm really resisting getting on my crutches.

In better news, swimming is still going great. I just bought a new pull buoy and paddles to up the arm workout aspect of swimming.  I also got a fantastic compliment last night that really made me beam: my backstroke looked very smooth!  I'm picking up the buoy and paddles from Katey on Sunday, so I'll report back on those next week!

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