Friday, July 27, 2012

Cleared for takeoff!!!

I had my fourth orthopedist appointment this morning and I got fantastic news!

I'm cleared to run again!

Okay, running is a strong word to use. I'm cleared for slowly slowly slowly ramping up to jogging then running. But the good news is that I can do weight bearing activities!!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Spillway Classic!

I've been failing at blogging, I know, but the swimming thing is going really well. My next orthopedist appointment is in a few weeks and, theoretically, I'll be cleared to run again!!!


Today was the 25th annual Spillway Classic. While I couldn't run it, my friends could! I drove them to the spillway and documented the entire thing! The trail was rated as a 9/10 overall and the mud gauntlet was rated as a 12/10. The mud was apparently waist high!!

Before and After: